Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My top 20 things that will be obsolete in 10 years.

Here's a list of the first 20 things I thought of that will be all but gone in 10 years.

1. Encyclopedias
     Who needs encyclopedias when everyone has the internet in their pocket? They're expensive, they don't cover everything, and they're outdated by the time they're printed!

2. House Phones
     In 10 years cell phones will be so ubiquitous that even your grandparents will have one. Say goodbye to associated nonsense such as "long distance plans", and non-VoIP business phones.

3. Exclusively Gasoline Cars
      In 10 years from now all new cars will be gas/electric hybrids at worst. Hopefully there will be a mix of diesel, CNG, bio-fuel, and hydrogen fuel cells to choose from.
4. The US Postal Service
     It's already on it's way out and the only competitive business strategy that the politicians can come up with is to keep throwing more of our money into it. It recorded a loss of 8.5 BILLION dollars in 2010. That's coming out of your paycheck by the way.
5. Cursive Writing in Schools
     It's already being phased out in the more useless of public schools. By the time 2021 rolls around there won't be an 8th grader to be found who's more familiar with cursive than Helvetica. 
     It's almost time to dump out that box of VHS and cassette tapes in your closet and fill it back up with DVDs and CDs. 
7. Desktop Computers
     One word. Laptoptabletsmartphones.
8. Daily newspapers
     How long did it take for you to find out Michael Jackson died? Did you read it in the paper on your lunch break the day after it happened or did you hear about it within hours?

9. Non-SSD Hard Drives
     No more spinning platters with magnetic heads. All storage will be solid state. 
10. FAX Machines
     The first fax patent was filed in 1843. The last fax sent will hopefully be later this week.

11. Phone Books
     I'm not even sure that people use them now, but they sure as hell keep delivering them!

12. Maps/Atlas
     Gone will be the days of planning out your trip using the old atlas. Who would want to when the mapping and GPS of today can reroute you on the fly, knows what the speed limits are on different roads, and figures out the fastest route for you?

13. Digital Cameras
     Have you seen the pictures the iPhone 4s takes? We'll probably be on the iPhone 12z in 10 years and it will have a better built in camera than any digital camera in existence today. As will all other phones, and tablets.
14. Bars of Soap
     This one really irks me. Women don't seem to use bars of soap at all already! Last time I bought soap it was hard to find it in it's own little section in between the 2 isles of "body wash".

15. Keys on Cellphones
     Everything will be touch screen....EVERYTHING!

16. Movie Rentals
     This one is basically already here except for the Redbox and similar kiosk style automated rental machines. I'm not sure why Redbox thought it was a good idea to start a movie rental business in this day and age, but god bless them for trying. 
17. American Women Under 30 with HPV
      Pretty much every girl in the US under 20 has had the immunization for HPV so in 10 years it should be rarely spread because who wants to have sex with a girl over 30? Just kidding,.....kinda,.....not really......

18. Perms

19. Wired internet
     WiFi, Bluetooth, WiMAX, 3g/4g, satellite, or be tethered to a jack in the wall like a Cat5 noose. I wonder which one people will choose?

20. Grocery Store Cashiers
     I've already been in a CVS by the USC campus that has nothing but self checkouts and one person standing in the middle in case there are problems. This seems like the obvious progression when the government makes it more and more expensive to have an employee every year.

     Well there you have it. 20 things that you'll be telling your completely uninterested grandchildren about when your kids force them to beam over to your house for a "visit" when it's really just to get away from them for a while because they're still a little mad about them shitting their spacesuit the day before.

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