Friday, December 9, 2011

     I wish Groupon would profile me. I know "profiling" is a dirty word now, but I thought they at least still did it in advertising and sales. What is the point of sending me random offers that may or may not have anything to do with my interests? The only thing they accomplish is to make me not want to look at their offers at all anymore since they're never anything I'm interested in.

 Here's me in a nutshell:

Mostly White
Work with my hands
Own the same 4 pairs of jeans as I did 2 years ago
Have no Idea why anyone would go to a day-spa
Buy my shirts at Goodwill
Seldom vacation
Never been on a diet 
Don't have cable TV and seldom watch

     I signed up to Groupon because I read about how Groupon was a recent start-up business that was a huge success. I figured that they must be doing something right and making all of their customers happy so maybe I should try it too. Well, apparently all of Groupons customers are housewives with a lot of disposable income. Here are some of the wonderful offers Groupon has matched me up with so far:

Two- or Three-Night Stay for Up to Four at Mountain Creek Cabins in West Virginia

I have a family cabin that is 1. WAY closer 2. Is FREE, and 3. Is not in banjo and butt raping country.

Three Laser Hair-Removal Sessions on Small, Medium, or Large Area at Dr. Joanna DeLeo (Up to 83% Off)


Does this look like the face of a guy that is concerned with laser hair removal, or pencil hair addition?


$26 for Pair of Weight-Loss Hot Pants from Zaggora ($71.86 Value)

Word problem number 1.

My interest in buying or wearing hotpants is to 0 as my interest in looking at girls wearing hotpants is to?


Sexual euphemism aside, the only thing I think of when I hear pearl necklace is Barbara Bush.

      In summation, Groupon you have let me down. Please start taking more personal information from your subscribers and trying to profile them as much as possible. I realize taking person info and profiling have gotten a bad rap as of late, but it has served the marketing, advertising, and sales industries well for 100's of years. I want you to be as awesome at the article said you were but you're falling well short of that goal.

     I've given you a general profile of myself at the top of this blog, but I will also include some key words to associate:

Yoga pants
Music Videos


  1. that vacation may be in butt raping country, but your pic looks like you're in "killing a small dog with a chainsaw" country. quit pointing that thing at may may!

  2. It wasn't running when that was taken. Chainsaw avoidance was the 3rd thing we taught her after "Don't shit on our stuff" and "Don't lick your junk and then lick our faces".

  3. Todays great Groupon offer.........Up to 85% Off at Harrisburg Weight Loss Boot Camp

  4. Todays offer is a LOT closer to something I would buy.

    Harlem Globetrotters - Up to 49% Off Tickets.

    Lets go Washington Generals!!
