Thursday, October 18, 2012

The super easy 4 step haircut for guys

     For guys, spending money on getting your hair cut is just dumb. The only kind of guys that really need to go to a barber or salon are the ones that think they need to look like they're in a boy band. This informative post is not intended for those types. 

Step 1. Need a haircut
     I think I probably could have stretched it out a few more days, but it's close enough.

 Step 2. Shave that shit all even 
     Pick any length clipper attachment you want and shave everything all the same length. I went with a #2 here because that seemed like what I usually use. I immediately realized it was shorter than what I wanted and it was too late. Don't do that. Don't go with the number two just because it's fun to say.

 Step 3. Make a straight line somewhere
    Now that you've shaved that shit all even it's time to test your coordination.

     What you need to do is pick a spot somewhere between the top of your ear and the top of your forehead. Large foreheaded individuals will unfairly have a bigger range to choose from. I just randomly picked a spot in the middle that was high enough I wouldn't clipper my ear of by accident. Making it even and straight the whole way around is a huge pain in the ass in the back. You need to stand in front of a big mirror and hold a second mirror behind your head while clippering with the other hand. The difficulty of this is compounded by the fact that when you're doing this everything will seem backwards. When you see that you need to move your hand a certain direction, you actually have to move it the other way because of the mirrors.

     If you're a bachelor and you can't find a second mirror you can use a CD. I used "feels like home" by Norah Jones, but other artists would probably work too.


Step 4. Fade the line
     Basically what you want to do here is hold the clippers parallel to the ground and move them straight up and down. I've drawn an excellent depiction below. Once again, this is a MF'r in the back so go slow. If you mess it up you can just make a new line a little farther up and try again.

     That's really all there is to it. You should be good for another 3 weeks at least! 

Then all you have to do is get dressed up and go do something awesome!